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this nice and simple box tote is a great size to carry around and also makes a good project bag the tote can be left open or you can use the leather tie to cinch in the sides, which also works as a closure the box tote is made with our original drawing printed with dark blue solvent free ink FABRIC INFO: outer 100% linen - oatmeal colour lining 100% organic cotton canvas APPROX.
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Printable Planner Stickers Kit Watercolor Ikat Coffee or Tea 4 PDF, Over 300 Stickers EC or Happy Planner, Bible Verses, Cups, Latte, Icons Watercolor Pinks, Reds, Mint and Lemon. Super for hospitality minded ladies and coffee lovers. Four 8.5x11 pages PACKED full of watercolor popular ikat colored printable Planner Sticker. Mar 18, 2016 - data:blog.metaDescription 2016/03/15 - Discover thousands of Premium vectors available in AI and EPS formats 29-sep-2016 - Laundry Stickers - 48 Planner Stickers - glamyourplanner Sep 3, 2017 - Tribal Printables For Large Happy Planner Hello Again ! I made new printables for the large happy planner these are free and made specially for this size. They look like this. If you’d like t…